Please hold your device horizontally for this game to work as intended!


How To Play

Move your defender left and right using the arrow keys, and hit the space bar to fire a detergent blast at the invaders. You get up to 10 points for every invader destroyed - depending on how many shots you miss.

Your remaining detergent is shown under the ship as a blue bar - if you run out, or if you want to top-up, press click on the Q button to answer a question to gain more shots.

You can answer questions by clicking them or by pressing the corresponding answer number on your keyboard. Good luck!

Move your defender left and right by tapping the grey left and right icons on-screen - and tap anywhere else on the screen to fire a detergent blast at the invaders. You get up to 10 points for every invader destroyed - depending on how many shots you miss.

Your remaining detergent is shown under the ship as a blue bar - if you run out, or if you want to top-up, tap the Q button to answer a question to gain more shots.

Good luck!

You Washed Out!

You Cleaned Up!

Score: 0 Supershots: 0

Question Test

In volutpat diam et eleifend viverra. Ut ornare auctor ullamcorper. Suspendisse maximus id sapien sit amet aliquet. In elementum efficitur dignissim. Nam vel sapien sed nisl feugiat tristique. Duis id diam a risus tristique auctor eget at ante. In quis tristique felis. Fusce ultricies ornare vestibulum?
