Our LearnWhirlpool application requires access to certain Google user data in order to provide our core functionality. Specifically, we request the following permissions:
- We request read and write access to the user's Google Drive in order to allow them to find the applicable Slides presentation directly within our app.
- We do not store, copy, or share any of the user's Drive files. All access is limited to the current session and no Drive data is retained by our application.
- We request read and write access to the user's Google Slides in order to allow them to append slides to Slides presentations directly within our app.
- When the user chooses to save to Google Slides, we securely write the updated Slides file back to their Google Drive account.
- We do not access or modify any of the user's other Drive files or Slides presentations beyond what the user initiates within our application.
User privacy and data security are of the utmost importance to us. We only access the minimum Google user data required to deliver our core app functionality, and we never share or misuse this information. The user maintains full control over their Google account data at all times.
Google Limited Use Requirements
LearnWhirlpool's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.